Herbal Fomentations

8 01 2014

A fomentation is a way to apply herbal solutions to the external part of your body to fight images-22infections, soothe an area.

Supplies required:

  1. A Thin, clean, 100% cotton cloth at least the size of the area of concern or larger.
  2. The herbs you will use to make the tea.
  3. A pot to heat the solution.
  4. Saran wrap.
  5. Old towels.
  6. Hot water bottle or a heating pad.
  7. Timer.


Make the herbal solution as follows;

  1. Either put to large handfuls of the loose herb in 4 cups water OR when using tincture (a liquid, alcohol extract) add about 50 drops tincture to 1 cup warm water.
  2. Please refer to the “Herbal Preparation” sheet to get more detailed instructions on how to make the tea form from dried herbs.
  3. For tincture, you can also apply the drops directly to your skin and then put the cotton cloth in hot water and apply over top the tincture that was first placed on the skin.  It depends on the strength of the herb.  Please check with the herbalist.
  4. Place the cloth on the affected area.
  5. Wrap saran wrap around the area if at all possible.
  6. Make sure that you have old towels down where you will be laying as well as old towels to put over the hot water bottle or heating pad which will be on top of the saran.  PLEASE PUT THE HEATING PAD ON “LOW” ONLY,TO AVOID BURNING!
  7. Put a timer on before you lie down.  You only need to lie down for 30 to 60 minutes depending on the nature of the ailment.

To Summarize then:

  1. Prepare herbs.
  2. Prepare the place where you will lie down by putting old towels down to protect the area from drips from the herbs.
  3. If using a tincture, apply the drops directly to the skin and massage in well.
  4. Set the timer, fill your hot water bottle or get your heating pad.
  5. Place the cloth either soaked in the herbal tea or in hot water if you are using a tincture, on the affected area.
  6. Wrap the area with saran wrap and lie down.
  7. Put the hot water bottle or heating pad on top of the saran wrap…if it is too hot put a thin towel on top of the saran wrap and then the hot water bottle or heating pad.
  8. Put an old towel on top of the hot water bottle or heating pad.
  9. Close your eyes and relax, when the timer goes off then get up.
  10. Place the cotton cloth in a ziploc bag to be used again or wash it and have a new one ready to use right away.  You should be able to re-use the cloth with out washing it each time unless you have open sores.  In that case, each cloth must be washed in very hot water to kill the bacteria before it can be used again.





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