Pertinent Preparation Pointers For Getting the Most Out of Your Natural Health Appointments

27 05 2015

I have put together some Pointers to help you get the most of your appointments whether images-5“initial” or “follow-ups” with your Natural Health Practitioner or even your regular M.D., though some pointers are really only pertinent to a Natural Health Practitioner unless your M.D. prescribes natural remedies for your health problems.

1. Bring a food diary in showing what you ate for the last 10 days, include all meals & snacks and if you noticed if you felt any different eating certain foods or avoiding certain foods.

2. Bring your current supplements that you are taking along with any prescription medications especially to your first appointment.  You can then just bring anything new that you added in to your follow-up appointments.  

3. Bring in your most recent, even if it was 2 years prior, blood work & any other scans or medical diagnostic tests that you have had done to your initial appointment as well as any current results to your follow-up appointments as you get the tests done.  Sometimes it is easier to scan them to your practitioner before you get there so that they can have a look at them right before they see you.

4. Make sure you bring in a diary of your supplements or however you kept track of the supplements you took and if you noticed that you felt better or not after running out of them.  Ie. Sometimes it is easier to notice if something is helping if you run out of the supplement first and then evaluate how you feel.  If you feel worse after running out of a supplement there may be a correlation, but the Practitioner can determine this at the appointment.

5. If you are feeling quite well and most of your symptoms are gone, but are unsure of what to stay on as far as the supplements you were taking, then ask if you can have a shorter appointment time.
6. Once you have determined what is working I would then ask if you can simply pick up remedies that you need.  It is important to note here that buying store brand products that are cheap have very little health benefits & usually contain substances that are toxic. Keep in mind that Health Canada approves products on our shelves NOT because of good quality control…they do not even look at quality control…thus the same herb in different brands can be completely different and you will not get the same results. (Ie. It could be contaminated with animal dander, not the correct medicinal species etc.) If you go to a reputable practitioner they will often give you advice as to what to buy from your local health food store, if you don’t buy from them.
7.  If your symptoms have improved, but you still have the symptoms then make sure you make another appointment.  Keep in mind that the longer you have had a symptom, the longer it generally takes to go away…though not nearly as long as you had it.  Ie. A symptom that you have had for 20 years you may get rid of in less than 2 years, which isn’t too bad considering how long you have had it.  
    I like the car analogy.  If you drove your car for 5 years without maintenance you can expect to pay thousands on repair/maintenance costs.  Now think of driving your car for 25 years without maintenance…this is what a lot of people due to their own bodies.  It will cost you a lot more if you wait until you have symptoms for years, then go for help.  
    My general recommendation is to go for an appointment at least spring and fall even if you feel well, that way health patterns & changes can be noted and addressed before you become really unwell.  Another reason for going every spring and fall is to detoxify & cleanse using herbs to get at the deeper toxins in the body thus increasing the vitality of the liver, thus increasing your own vitality and wellness.
 Disclaimer:  This is for information purposes only and readers take full responsibility for applying these guidelines to their lives.


Tips to Increase Your Energy

17 07 2014

 1. Remove all white flour, white sugar and white rice from your diet.  Replace 

images-15with whole grain flour, whole grain sugar cane and brown rice….according to your ABO blood type.

2. Eat the “beneficials” off your blood type chart.

3. Food combine.  Proteins and veges.  Starches and veges.  For more information read about it in the “Body Ecology Diet” book.

4. Drink hot water with fresh lemon squeezed into it.  It helps to unclog the liver.

5. Do a liver/gallbladder flush after doing a series of colonics.

6. Do a liver cleanse with herbs and a series of colonics to flush out the toxicity from your body.

 7. Use fiber drinks and bowel tonic herbs to increase your elimination.

 8. Eat raw veges at lunch and at dinner.

 (compatible with your blood type.)

 9. Juice vegetable juices and drink 2 to 4 – 8 oz glasses daily.

 10. Drink wheatgrass juice in lemon water or in unfiltered, organic apple juice.

 11. Go on a cleansing diet of raw vegetable juices and raw vegetable salads with lots of green veges and sprouts…do for 4 to 10 days if you can.  Come off of it with light proteins.

 12. Drink non-chlorinated water.

 13. Have a bath with 35% hydrogen peroxide in it….soak at least 30 minutes.


God Is Holistic. Our Medical System is not. Which will you choose?

11 06 2013

God is Holistic.  When He created us we were created as one unit; body, mind, free will, spirit & emotions.  As imagesthis world became less than what it was intended to be, we have lost connection between all our parts.  But God gave us ways to ease our suffering until we see His face.  God created all the healing plants and the people who developed remedies from all parts of the earth like Samuel Hahnemann who created Homeopathy.

Unfortunately, our medical system is tainted with greed.  It started with the dissolution of the Eclectic Schools of Medicine, when a very rich family started putting their money into Medical Schools that promoted pharmaceuticals only.  This was because there was and still is very big money in drugs because they can be patented.  Greed has hit the Holistic side as well and you will find some remedies promoted for the sake of cash only.  It is too bad, but it is the way this world is right now and to get through it to make good health choices for yourself you must be discerning and find a professional to help you with the problem you have.   In fact, it is good practise to have more than one person on your health team.

The important nugget of information I want to get across is that drugs can be useful at times, with the exception of Type 1 Diabetes, most drugs should be used temporarily because they tend to suppress functions of the body and this suppresses the symptom or symptoms deeper int he body which will give you a new set of symptoms.  This is NOT a holistic approach at all.  This is SUPPRESSION.  In fact, did you know that the word ALLOPATHY, actually means to INCREASE SUFFERING.

Now having said all that, I will say I am not against drugs.  What I am against is the way our health system makes us believe it is “free health care”, when in fact, since we are one of the most taxed countries in the world…….where do you think some of that money goes to?  Especially when you consider that some drugs are marked up 3,000 per cent and it is covered by the government when this is given out in hospitals.

I believe we need health reform.  Not sure if that will happen.  But it can happen with you.  Take the time to find the cause of the problems you are having and if you pray about it see where God leads you.  Sometimes it might be pharmaceuticals, but many times “no”.  There is  a whole world out there in Natural Medicine that might have been discovered had the Eclectic Medical Schools had the money to stay open.  There is people like me that hold to their philosophy around healing you just have to seek us out.

Check out this article:

It describes in detail Eclectic Medicine.

My heart goes out to a suffering world with huge medical expenses due to the greed of a few visionary people.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  We are the change.  We are holistic, because we were made as one unit…think about it.

How Iridology Changed My Life

14 05 2013

Iridology changed my life.  But you have to get a well-trained person to look into your eyes.  I had at least imgres-52 or 3 people look into my eyes over the last 20 years and it was the last person who took the time needed to actually discover what my genetic strengths and weaknesses are.  I really didn’t value Iridology until I had this reading done very recently.

You should get two major points from this blog post.  One, find a qualified practitioner who has good testimonials so you know at least 2nd hand that they are good.  Second, read up on your Iridology signs yourself so that you can understand yourself better.  Iridology is a good way to get to know yourself. Most of what you see in the iris is genetic. You will have to work with what you have since that is all you have! If you do,  you will have a more fullfilled life and a healthier one at that.

Think “quality” life.

I have suffered from some genetic defects since childhood and suffered from severe glandular disorders which caused terrible hormonal imbalances my entire life.  One of the off-shoots of this was anxiety and depression.  I did the counselling route including “cognitive” therapy and yes, it helped me somewhat, but I can tell you that I always had to work 2x as hard as everyone else because these imbalances caused negative thinking and it was not all psychological.  In fact, now that I have been feeling better than I have for 20 years, I can tell you that had I’d seen a good Iridologist back as a kid, I would’ve at least been put on some products to support the genetic predispositions showing up in my eye.

Knowing that I have a genetic predisposition…really was a relief.  My hormonal balances are genetic and I will always have to be on something to keep them balanced.  I suffered such emotional upheaval that I  was emotionally dependent and though I wanted independence I could not do it because I was not supported properly through diet and supplements.  Though my external life as a child was far from perfect, the inside life I lived was also far from perfect.

While going for counselling as a teen, the focus was on the external situation that I was in, which was completely out of my hands.  What I would’ve benefitted from more was going to an Iridologist and a Homeopath…both which deal with genetics, but in a different way.  (Homeopathy I will discuss at a later date.)  That way I could’ve been supported both internally and externally through counseling and/or group therapy.

Everyone has an Iris type and subtype along with various Iris signs such as; lacuna of different significance, lymphatic rosaries, contraction furrows etc., What it boils down to is where they are located and how the significance of the sign.  Also, the resiliency of the person is also apparent as well as the metabolic type.  It really makes addressing chronic health issues a whole lot easier.

What Iridology did is confirm what I had supposed all along, that I had a genetic disorder that made it impossible for me to reach my full potential until I had those areas of weakness addressed through supplementation, diet and lifestyle.  I have been using this knowledge  on all my clients more recently, since I was fortunate enough to actually take classes from the Herbalist who taught Iridology and read my eyes accurately.  I am very grateful to have received this gift.  I am happy to pass the gift of Iridology to all my clients.  Call today for your appointment!  403-276-5756

Colonics: How to make them comfortable & efficient.

20 01 2013

Colonics: How to make them comfortable & efficient..

Colonics: How to make them comfortable & efficient.

20 01 2013

How to make your colonics or colon hydrotherapy as comfortable and effective as possible.  Some people would wonder if this could really be true.  I mean, putting water up the colon has got to be uncomfortable right?  At some point, those of you who have tried colonics have had at least one that was uncomfortable.

The reason the colonic was not comfortable is for 3 main reasons;        top_pic_naturopathic-1

1. Inflammation from foods that you are sensitive to.

2. Spastic colon.

3. Inflammation from parasites & yeast.

4. Lack of fiber.

I am here to tell you that when your colon is functioning correctly, without these problems, it WILL be a COMFORTABLE COLONIC.


1.  Make sure you avoid or find out if you don’t know first, foods that are irritating to your intestines.  This is part of  what I normally do when people come to see me for an assessment prior to starting the colonics.  I test and see what foods they are sensitive to.  It varies from person to person, but wheat & dairy of often culprits, but there are many other foods that can be irritating to the person as well.

2. Take Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium Citrate at least 1 week prior to help soften the stools and relax the colon so it can move without cramping both on the toilet & during the colonic.  Tip: To determine whether your colon is spastic observe whether you have very skinny stools at times and whether or not you have pain or discomfort in the upper left area of the colon.  (Situated just below the ribs on the left side.)  Make sure you are taking enough so that you are having at least 2 bowel movements per day or at least 1 time per day if you were not doing that prior to taking the Magnesium  This really helps your colon allow enough water to enter it during the colonic so that you can get rid of the waste without discomfort or very minimal discomfort.

3. Eat fermented foods daily.  Rotate the fermented foods that you eat so that your gut will have the right combination of bacteria & friendly yeast to colonate your intestines.  This will “crowd” out those nasty parasites & the pathogenic yeast & fungi.  If you do have a strain that is quite pathogenic you will need the help of herbs to completely eliminate them, BUT your infestation will be easier to get rid of because you have built up the microorganisms in your gut.

4. Take a fiber drink at least daily in the morning.  Start with 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds or take 1 to 3 tsp of psyllium hulls combination power by Nature’s Sunshine ( it is very high quality) or mix together, depending on what you can handle.   Mix quickly in water or a diluted, unsweetened juice and drink down, wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.

These are general steps to take for everyone, in order to determine what your needs are specifically you really must see a holistic health practitioner prior to starting the colonics.  I suggest at least 1 week.

Please note this blog is not meant to diagnose or prescribe or to take the place of your regular Medical Doctor or regular Medical attention.  It is meant for self-education & information purposes only.

Health: The Team Approach

13 12 2012

Health: The Team Approach.

Health: The Team Approach

13 12 2012
Hirai Health Services

Hirai Health Services

Do you have the right attitude toward your own health?

The right attitude meaning, do you value your health as your greatest asset?

Without health, none of us would have anything.

If you want help with your health do you want a quick fix or long term gain?  Sometimes a quick fix is necessary.

But long term gain is the best since you will be reaping the benefits for years to come.  Which means you will have the energy to do the things you would like to do after you have done the things you have to do.  But better yet you can enjoy each moment….or most moments:)

The best way to achieve this is to seek out a support team that you can trust has your best interest in mind.

You may want to start with just the basics, or what I call the basics;  (they are not in any particular order)

Chiropractor/Osteopath or both

Massage Therapist & a Soft Tissue worker Ie. Rolfing, Myofascial work, Cranial/Sacral etc


Cleansing Specialist/Colon Hydrotherapist/Nutritionist


Herbalist/or another Grassroots Therapists who uses easy to access remedies that are not so expensive.


Medical Doctor & or a Specialist if required

This is not an all inclusive list, but it is a start depending on your requirements.  You are not required to see each person all the time but as your needs suggest to you who may be the most helpful.

Some tips to help you work with any one of your “Health Team” members are as follows:

1.  Come to each appointment with notes on what is bothering you so you can say exactly what is happen down to the last detail.  The details may not mean anything to you, but they will mean a whole lot to a skilled therapist.

2.  During the appointment, ask questions and listen to your gut instinct.

3.  If you have a complex problem, you may need more than one person to help you with it.

4.  Make notes between appointments about what makes things worse or better and if you feel like the remedies that were given are actually working for you.

There are other things you can do as well.  This is just a start.  But one thing is for certain, if you have many points of view on a complex health issue…it is much better than only one point of view from the Medical Doctors…our society has our health care all in one basket.  This is causing very high taxes and a lot of very full hospitals.

Valuing your health and having a health care team are the best ways to start having a better future.

Remember you are a part of the Holistic Health Care Team.

Take care of yourself today…you are an important part of your future.