Enemas are High! Who knew!! How to do a High Enema!

30 10 2015

Instructions on “How to do a High Enema”.  (A “high” enema means it goes to the beginning of the colon imgres-3    on the right side.)


  1. Fountain syringe bag (purchase at Drug Store for about $10.00)
  2. Filtered water
  3. Enema enhances: herbs, chlorophyll, aloe vera (as recommended by a health practitioner)

Steps to a great experience:

  1. Fill bathtub 1/4 to 1/2 full of warm water (or cool if you want).
  2. Hang fountain syringe bag on shower head or and adhesive hook, so tubing can reach down into bathtub.
  3. Have 1 or 2 – 1 liter glass jars ready with enema solution. (Prepare while bathtub filling.)

To prepare:

  • Fill liter glass jar 1/2 full with cool, filtered water.
  • Heat up some filtered water on the stove. (Don’t use hot water from tap.) Add to cool water till reaches body temperature.
  • Add Enema Enhancer recommended to you.
  1. Fill fountain syringe bag 1 liter at a time. (Make sure clamp is closed before filling.)
  2. Lay in bathtub on back. Open clamp to allow enema solution to just start to flow out; shut clamp. (This ensures no air is in the tubing before inserting rectal catheter.) After lubricating rectal catheter, insert into rectum.
  3. Open clamp and allow enema solution to enter slowly. Close clamp when feel pressure at rectum. Massage enema solution further up into the colon from left to right.
  4. Turn on right side. Open clamp again, allow enema solution to enter slowly. Massage colon as solution enters. Close clamp when feel pressure at rectum.
  5. Stay on side until feel urge to release. After releasing continue refilling colon with enema solution until finished.
  6. Raise knees above rectum by placing small stool or pillow under our feet while on the toilet. Massaging colon from right to left promotes better releasing when on toilet.
  7. When finished releasing, rinse fountain syringe bag with water allowing water to drain out tubing. Wash rectal catheter (after removing it from tubing) well with soap and water. Store rectal catheter in a clean container for future use.
  8. It is a good idea to smell the fountain syringe bag prior to each use to detect any bacterial contamination. If detected, soak in 3-5% hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 minutes. Then rinse well with water. (This can be used as a preventative measure as well.) Antibacterial soap (i.e. Nutribiotic) would also work well. Remember: rinse with lots of water after cleansing the bag.

NOTE: Enemas can be used daily when cleansing or detoxifying and then as needed. It takes a long time to rid the colon of a lifetime of waste! Using oral bulk fiber cleansers etc. will ensure your colon is getting a good workout and increasing its muscle tone, rather than becoming dependent on enemas. Also, increasing whole grains, vegetables & legumes in your diet will increase fiber intake.

Happy Cleansing

Disclaimer:  This is for information purposes for those who want to help their health themselves…please make sure that you take full responsibility for whatever you do, including following these instructions as I have prescribed this for you or diagnosed you with anything.  Always consult with a Clinical Herbalist if in doubt!

I am available at 403-276-5756 or email me at monica@hiraihealth.com.  Please look at my website for my “in-person” and “distance” assessment fees.

Pertinent Preparation Pointers For Getting the Most Out of Your Natural Health Appointments

27 05 2015

I have put together some Pointers to help you get the most of your appointments whether images-5“initial” or “follow-ups” with your Natural Health Practitioner or even your regular M.D., though some pointers are really only pertinent to a Natural Health Practitioner unless your M.D. prescribes natural remedies for your health problems.

1. Bring a food diary in showing what you ate for the last 10 days, include all meals & snacks and if you noticed if you felt any different eating certain foods or avoiding certain foods.

2. Bring your current supplements that you are taking along with any prescription medications especially to your first appointment.  You can then just bring anything new that you added in to your follow-up appointments.  

3. Bring in your most recent, even if it was 2 years prior, blood work & any other scans or medical diagnostic tests that you have had done to your initial appointment as well as any current results to your follow-up appointments as you get the tests done.  Sometimes it is easier to scan them to your practitioner before you get there so that they can have a look at them right before they see you.

4. Make sure you bring in a diary of your supplements or however you kept track of the supplements you took and if you noticed that you felt better or not after running out of them.  Ie. Sometimes it is easier to notice if something is helping if you run out of the supplement first and then evaluate how you feel.  If you feel worse after running out of a supplement there may be a correlation, but the Practitioner can determine this at the appointment.

5. If you are feeling quite well and most of your symptoms are gone, but are unsure of what to stay on as far as the supplements you were taking, then ask if you can have a shorter appointment time.
6. Once you have determined what is working I would then ask if you can simply pick up remedies that you need.  It is important to note here that buying store brand products that are cheap have very little health benefits & usually contain substances that are toxic. Keep in mind that Health Canada approves products on our shelves NOT because of good quality control…they do not even look at quality control…thus the same herb in different brands can be completely different and you will not get the same results. (Ie. It could be contaminated with animal dander, not the correct medicinal species etc.) If you go to a reputable practitioner they will often give you advice as to what to buy from your local health food store, if you don’t buy from them.
7.  If your symptoms have improved, but you still have the symptoms then make sure you make another appointment.  Keep in mind that the longer you have had a symptom, the longer it generally takes to go away…though not nearly as long as you had it.  Ie. A symptom that you have had for 20 years you may get rid of in less than 2 years, which isn’t too bad considering how long you have had it.  
    I like the car analogy.  If you drove your car for 5 years without maintenance you can expect to pay thousands on repair/maintenance costs.  Now think of driving your car for 25 years without maintenance…this is what a lot of people due to their own bodies.  It will cost you a lot more if you wait until you have symptoms for years, then go for help.  
    My general recommendation is to go for an appointment at least spring and fall even if you feel well, that way health patterns & changes can be noted and addressed before you become really unwell.  Another reason for going every spring and fall is to detoxify & cleanse using herbs to get at the deeper toxins in the body thus increasing the vitality of the liver, thus increasing your own vitality and wellness.
 Disclaimer:  This is for information purposes only and readers take full responsibility for applying these guidelines to their lives.


30 07 2014


1. Take 15 minutes every morning to relax before rushing out the door.  (Sit cross-legged on a hard floor andimgres-10 sip hot water if experiencing sever constipation.)  Deep breathing exercises are also helpful to do at this time.  Ie. Breathe from belly not chest.                                       

See the information here:   http://modernherbalmedicine.com/articles/breathe-your-way-to-better-physical-and-emotional-health.html

2. Avoid anything containing white flour, rice & white sugar, as much as possible.  (called the “white plague.”)

3. Remove as many of the external stresses from your life such as: being ‘too busy’ plus deal with internal stressors like; lies you tell yourself, ‘stuffing’ your feelings, feeling bad about yourself and any “co-dependent” or “co-addictive”, or addictive behaviour.

4. Drink at least 1 to 2 litres of water per day between meals.  (non-chlorinated)

5. Eat lots of fibre in your diet.  If you can eat grains, eat whole grains.  Regardless, everyone should take a fibre drink once per day.  See the information here:                                                                              http://www.hiraihealth.com/pdf/How%20to%20take%20a%20fiber%20drink.%202012.pdf 

6. Eat lots of “live food” like sprouts, fresh vegetables, juices, raw salads, fruit and avoid deep fried and heavy foods containing wheat, dairy, beef or pork.  (These are all hard on the liver.)

7. If your colon lacks tone, do the colon exercises listed on the ‘Colon Regime’ article here:  http://www.hiraihealth.com/pdf/Colon%20Therapy%20Regime%202012.pdf

8. Get checked for a nutrient deficiency if you are still constipated.  If you are low in any of the B vitamins, lecithin or acidophilus, – these help the colon stay lubricated and toned up.

9. Eat and drink fermented foods, and I don’t mean alcoholic fermented beverages.  I mean Water Kefir, Milk Kefir, Kombucha, Fermented Vegetables etc.  These help to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

10. When traveling, take your enema bag along.  (Refer to ‘How to Give Yourself a High Enema.’ http://www.ozonelab.com/monica/enema.htm )    You can also benefit from doing a colonic before and after you travel.  Book these appointments ahead of time.  Also, herbal laxatives such as Senna, Cascara sagrada are okay for occasional constipation.  Do not take herbal laxatives as a long-term solution.   Please consult with me during your next appointment so I can help you determine the cause of your constipation and a plan to address this properly.

11. If you are on drugs or medication, check to see if constipation is a side effect.  Ie. Pain killers cause constipation.  There are herbal alternatives to help with pain.

12.Iron supplements can also cause constipation.  Herbal iron supplements are superior as they do not cause constipation and absorb better to.  

13.Have an assessment to determine if your stomach or liver may be causing the constipation you are having.


Tips to Increase Your Energy

17 07 2014

 1. Remove all white flour, white sugar and white rice from your diet.  Replace 

images-15with whole grain flour, whole grain sugar cane and brown rice….according to your ABO blood type.

2. Eat the “beneficials” off your blood type chart.

3. Food combine.  Proteins and veges.  Starches and veges.  For more information read about it in the “Body Ecology Diet” book.

4. Drink hot water with fresh lemon squeezed into it.  It helps to unclog the liver.

5. Do a liver/gallbladder flush after doing a series of colonics.

6. Do a liver cleanse with herbs and a series of colonics to flush out the toxicity from your body.

 7. Use fiber drinks and bowel tonic herbs to increase your elimination.

 8. Eat raw veges at lunch and at dinner.

 (compatible with your blood type.)

 9. Juice vegetable juices and drink 2 to 4 – 8 oz glasses daily.

 10. Drink wheatgrass juice in lemon water or in unfiltered, organic apple juice.

 11. Go on a cleansing diet of raw vegetable juices and raw vegetable salads with lots of green veges and sprouts…do for 4 to 10 days if you can.  Come off of it with light proteins.

 12. Drink non-chlorinated water.

 13. Have a bath with 35% hydrogen peroxide in it….soak at least 30 minutes.


Kombucha Recipe

6 05 2014

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from a Mushroom that grows in black tea/organic whole cane sugar & water.  When it is strong enough it will taste like beer without the alcohol.  The taste of this can easily be images-1disguised by adding an unsweetened juice to your cup along with the Kombucha Brew that you make.  It is very good for your gut and will also boost your immune power.  Try some today!  Let me know what changes you experience when you drink this brew on a daily basis!  Here is the basic recipe!



  • 1 cup organic sugar cane sugar.
  • 4 bags black tea or 4 teaspoons loose black tea 
  • mushroom(I do not rinse it, I keep on reusing it until it gets rather thick, then I separate the older layers and throw it away or could give to someone else to use as a starter)
  • 1 cup starter kombucha liquid
  • 4 liters purified/filtered water
  • use a large jar…Ie. Gallon size so mushroom has room to spread out.


  1. boil water
  2. add tea bags or loose tea to brew
  3. add sugar
  4. cool down, strain tea leaves or take out tea bags.
  5. fill glass jar, leave about 1 inch of so room at the top .  Need 1 gallon jar.
  6. add mushroom and starter liquid
  7. cover with cheese cloth or coffee filter and secure the cover with an elastic.
  8. I set it in the cupboard to ferment/or cover it with a box.
  9. leave minimally for 5 to 7 days, I usually need 3 weeks, our kitchen can get quite cold.
  10. some people flavor their kombucha, just add different flavour of unsweetened juice to it.




9 04 2014



       After a long hard winter in Alberta spring comes and we are waiting for it!  For those with allergies, there may be a mixed reaction to spring.  I will explain how I think allergies should be approached without having to resort to antihistamines.

       There are 2 types of allergies.  One is what I call “toxic allergies” and “true allergies”.  The first type relates solely to the liver.

       Spring is “liver” time, so that when you have allergies in the spring they are always improved by cleansing the body which involves the liver, or the “blood filter” of the body.  This type of therapy is called “Blood Purification.”

       This can be accomplished by going on a cleansing diet with nothing but whole, raw foods (veges & fruit) to doing a juice fast with veges & fruit and herbs that cleanse the liver & blood. In both cases cleansing the colon is important.

       The way this works is; when you cleanse your body you are cleansing your blood and liver which will remove toxins from your mucus membranes which make your allergic response either disappear or not as reactive.  A clogged liver and colon means a clogged nose/sinuses!

Cleansing in the spring is for everyone, not just for those with allergies.  But if you do have allergies it is much better to get the toxins out than to “suppress” the symptoms with anti-histamines since one of the ways toxicity shows up is through allergies.  Histamine will also disappear with proper water intake.  The average person needs 2 to 4 liters of purified, alkaline water per day.  Some allergies are simply dehydration!

      I have seen severe allergies disappear with a “heavy metal cleanse” or by simply using some herbal allergy formulas, allergies have been kept at bay without going on antihistamines.  Sometimes simple herbs like Licorice (avoid in high blood pressure) can be helpful, but most often a formula is required and it is individual. The one food that causes a lot of allergies is dairy products and wheat, so avoiding these two items can be very helpful in eliminating allergies of all kinds.

      The “true” allergies are usually best treated with homeopathic remedies.  These allergies will be apparent when you are done cleansing and will be allergies like; horse, cat, hay fever type allergies.  Most chemical allergies are from Candida overgrowth and leaky gut which requires a whole other program of gut healing.  But the simple pollen allergies can often be addressed with homeopathic remedies or sometimes even using pollen in very small amounts can help build your tolerance up to pollens in the air.  Do this with caution and NEVER do this if you have anaphylactic reactions.

      Grass allergies can often be dealt with with “Green” powders that contain grasses like Barley Grass & Wheat Grass etc.  Again, start small and go up to where you can tolerate a larger amount.  These formulas will often give you more energy as will the Bee Pollen.

       In conclusion, simple allergies can often be treated easily with simple remedies like Bee Pollen or Licorice but more advanced allergies need a formula and require expert advice.  Those with Horse and Cat allergies typically need Homeopathic care.  

       One remedy for allergies that everyone requires is DRINK PURIFIED, ALKALINE WATER!  

Remember 2 to 4 litres at least!  

        Have an allergy-free spring!


Fruity Lemon Water Kefir

18 12 2013


1/  1 package of Water Kefir Grains that have already been activated.  (If you do not know how to do this, then please refer to the instructions contained in the box that held the package of Water Kefir Grains.)

2/  125 mL of Cane Sugar  (Organic Cane Sugar is the best.)

3/  1 to 2 dried figs (Can also be raisins, sultanas, dried prunes etc. Organic is best.)

4/  Half a lemon.

5/ 1 to 1.5 Litres of Filtered Water, it can be water that contains minerals. Ie.  Does not have to be distilled or reverse osmosis water.

6/  2 Litre glass container or two different glass jars that will hold 1 litre each.

7/   Coffee filter or cheesecloth & 1 elastic.

8/  Plastic sieve or strainer.

9/  Plastic or wooden spoon.  (Do not use metal spoons or bowls or metal anything when you make any kind of culture.)


1/  Dissolve sugar in the water.

In the container, pour in mineral water and add the sugar.  Dissolve sugar using the plastic or wooden spoon or even better just swirl the jar gently until all the sugar dissolves.

2/  Add the kefir grains, dried figs or dried fruit of your choice and the lemon as is, do not sqeeze it yet.

3/  Cover the container with the cheesecloth or coffee filter and secure with an elastic.  (It should not be air tight.)

4/  Place away from sunlight and leave at room temperature of 18 C to 25 C.

(65F to 77F)

5/  Allow to ferment for 24, 48 or 72 hours.  For a stronger kefir, ferment the grains longer.

6/  Once the fermentation is completed to your satisfaction, squeeze the lemon.  (Use plastic tongs to get the lemon out of the water.  Do not put hands into the water.)

7/  Strain & separate the kefir grains separately from the fruit.  Store the kefir grains in a BHP free plastic container either in the fridge or the freezer.  When you want to make your next batch, just warm it up on the counter in your kitchen to room temperature…and start the whole process over again.

Benefits of Kefir are:

  1. Helps to restore normal flora inside your gut.
  2. Helps your probiotic to “implant” inside your gut.
  3. Crowds out unfriendly bacteria, yeast and parasites.
  4. Can get rid of “tummy aches” and pains in both adults and children.
  5. Good for breast feeding women to take in regularly to increase digestion & prevent colic in infants.
  6. Good for restoring normal flora after antibiotics especially when taken with a good Human Microflora strain of probiotic.
  7. Helps to manufacture certain Vitamins like some B vitamins, vitamin K, enzymes etc.
  8. Can help with hormone balance by crowding out the yeast.
  9. Can help get rid of food cravings due to low normal gut flora.

What you will need:

Colon Cleansing

3 12 2013
  1. Make sure that you take Magnesium citrate capsules or powder for at least one week before images-6you start the colonics.  Then make sure you continue to take them to keep your bowels regular and soft.  The dosage is: 4 capsules before bed and 2 in the morning.  It can be lowered if you get too loose or can be increased if you are not going at least 2 times per day.  With the powdered Magnesium, the best is to start with the highest dose suggested on the bottle then decrease it or increase it as you see necessary.
  2. Make sure to take the fiber drink that works for you.  Ground Chia seeds, Ground Flax seeds, Psyllium Combination Powder, and follow the directions on my website (At the bottom of the Book An Appointment page, look for “How to take a   Fiber Drink”.)
  3. Take your probiotic daily (HMF probiotic from Seroyal is the best as it stays in your body the longest.  Ask me about this if I haven’t told you already.) especially at the beginning of your suggested regime.  As you increase your fermented foods, you will need to take the probiotic less and less until you don’t need it anymore.  You can tell when you don’t need it anymore because you will not be bloated after you eat or later in the day any more.  (Provided you are eating the diet that is right for you.  Check my website: www.hiraihealth.com for recipes on fermented foods  under: healthinfo/articles&links.
  4.  Report any problems that you may have after the colonic like; a) feeling sleepy, b)increase in gas, c) right-sided lower abdominal/back pain d) not being able to have a bowel movement for more than a day after having a colonic. (Missing the day after having a colonic is normal.)  You need to call me when you have these symptoms.  Usually if you have any of these symptoms it means you have a dysbiosis, which is low good gut flora and increased yeast & parasites.  It can be easily solved by taking a parasite remedy or yeast remedy or a combination of the two.
  5. Remember it takes at least 3 colonic spaced out no more than 2 weeks apart, (1 week apart is recommended) to get decent results and most people need at least 6 colonics or more depending on the nature of your digestive issues.
  6. Once your colon is cleaned out you will need to have a “Maintenance Program” in place to help you maintain proper elimination & digestion.  This will vary from person to person and you will need a follow-up appointment after your series of colonics.  With this program you will be able to have colonics as a part of a cleansing program or before & after travel or as needed for general health maintenance.  Cleansing clinics around the world recommend a minimum of 3 colonics spring and fall for cleansing to help keep the body free of dis-ease.
  7. Eat fermented foods daily and especially on the days that you have colonics.  If you don’t know which fermented foods would be best for you, ask.  Fermented foods help the Probiotic Supplement stay in your system better.  The suggested minimum for fermented foods are 1/4 cup minimum for the kefir drinks and 1/8 to 1/4 cup fermented veges or yogurt. (This may vary from person to person and you may have to start at 1 tsp of kefir and work your way up to 1/4 cup.)
  8. Books on cleansing & colonics:  1) Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management by Dr. Bernard Jensen. 2) Colon Health by Norman Walker. 3)The Colon Health Handbook by Robert Gray.

If you have any questions or concerns or have any symptoms as listed under #4 of this list, please       email me or call me right away.



Digestive Health

15 10 2013
  1. Why do people get bloated, gasey and constipated?imgres-5

The main causes are the heavy North American diet that most people devour.  What I mean by heavy foods is cooked grains & animal sourced foods like meat & dairy.  Some examples are; white bread, white pasta, white rice, hamburgers, steaks, pork, pizza, hotdogs, sausages etc.  Anything deep fried or full of sugar.

These foods are very heavy because they lack enzymes, vitamins & minerals used for digestion.   They are also hard to eliminate as well because they are low in fiber.  The stomach & liver become burdened with digesting this food and “food residue” is left in the intestines because it could not be burned “cleanly”.

Over the weeks & months this builds up in the intestines and impairs the digestion in the small & large intestines, because the food becomes rotten and turns into a “glue-like” substance-something like old gum on the sidewalk.  Hard to get off!  It clogs the delicate, finger-like projections in the small intestines and the body becomes auto-intoxicated because you will keep reabsorbing the toxins into your bloodstream causing the liver to constantly work cleaning the blood so you can stay alive without poisoning yourself.

Some of the symptoms of this malady are bloating, smelly gas, low energy after eating, dark circles under the eyes, bad breath, sensitive spots on the abdomen etc.

Some remedies for this problem are; a)  start eating “live” foods.  Foods like sprouts, raw veges, raw fruit, raw nuts and seeds.  b) do a cleanse which needs to include; fiber drinks with bentonite clay, herbs to help release the old “gum” on the intestinal walls, herbs for the liver & kidney and with the cleanse you must do juicing, skin brushing, colonics or at the very least enemas.  c)  do a daily fast once per week and to make it more effective do  skin brushing, but use a rebounder to really get the lymphatic system moving and drink tons of water with fresh lemon & cayenne pepper.  (You can do this longer if you like) d) Take enzymes with the heavy protein meals even with the vegetarian meals on a daily basis.

The main idea is to eat so you can digest properly by incorporating foods easy to digest while also clearing the intestines of the “goop” so you can also absorb what you digest.  Happy assimilation!

How to Make Coconut Water Kefir Correctly.

25 07 2013

How to Make Coconut Water Kefir Correctly..