BTG’s = Basic Therapeutic Guidelines

6 03 2020

BTG’s or Basic Therapeutic Guidelines are guidelines to help maintain and create Take Care of Yourself Picturebetter health.  And it you practise these your overall stress level will be lower and energy will be higher.  When your energy is highest your immune system is functioning to its full capacity and your ability to ward of viral infections or infections in general will be much greater.  So I will list below what the guidelines are with a brief summary about each one.

  1. Sleep: Getting enough sleep and good quality sleep is paramount for liver detoxification and stress reduction.  There are many causes of sleep issues, make sure you get help so that the cause can be addressed.  Go to bed when you are tired and get at least 8 to 10 hours per night.  Get some adaptogen herbs from your natural health practitioner to help you if you are a person who travels a lot or works shift work, the herbs will help your body adapt to the strange schedule you keep.  Here is a “sleep hygiene” check list of actions you can take to improve your sleep.
  2. Diet: If you have chronic health issues or you just want to maintain good health use your Blood Type Diet, it is the easiest to follow and you are likely eating some of the foods on it anyway so there will likely not be too much to change.  If you have an auto-immune condition, then use the Auto-Immune Paleo diet for up to a year to help your gut heal. Regardless of what diet you are on, it should be low in refined foods or none at all, Ie. white flour, white sugar, corn starch, white rice, deep-fried foods, just to name a few. (Remember eating white sugar disables your white cell activity for several hours depending on how much you have eaten, see the research for yourself.) You want plenty of veggies, ie plate should be 3/4 veggies, plenty of good protein & fats and whole grains.  Make sure the diet is the one suitable to you.
  3. Water: Drink only purified water as tap water not only contains Chloride, but also drug residue that people pee into their toilets!  Yuck!  So find a way to get the water you can afford, do your research.  And no, the bottled water from the grocery store is a waste of money since it is basically tap water in a bottle.  Drink 15 to 30 mL per Kg of body weight per day between meals.
  4. Body Mindfulness:  There are many Body Mind Meditations and they are basically to help you tune into your needs so that you can take action for yourself so that you do not let stressors build up and create burn out.  Here is a link that is very good at explaining this in detail, click on the link for more detail: BodyMindMeditations.
  5. Essential Fatty Acids:  Take the oil that is right for you. Ie. Flax oil, Borage oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Fish Oil or a combination.  Make sure you get a brand that tests for heavy metals like; Genestra, Nordic Naturals, Professional Health Products to name a few.  And most adults need at least 3000 to 6000 mg per day.  Growing children & teens need 1000 mg right up to the 6000 mg mark for teenagers since their brains need it for development.  If you suffer from depression you could need up to 10,000 mg per day.  It is important for your gut lining, your nervous system your skin, blood, Ie. think cardiovascular health…stroke prevention, heart attack prevention since it naturally keeps the blood fluid and thin.
  6. Vitamin D:  Every adult needs at least 5000 iu per day up to 10000 iu per day depending on the person’s skin type and how much they are outside.  It is considered a hormone and helps prevent depression as well it keeps your immune system up and running.  You can buy the Vitamin D spot test so that you can determine at what level you are before beginning.  Kids need from 500 iu up to adult dosages for teenagers.  Here is a good webpage for information on Vitamin D  and another good article is written here.
  7. Exercise:  Do at least 30 minutes of cardio 3x per week in some form.  Make sure you break into a sweat, as this has been proven to reduce stress levels.  Also, do something you enjoy so that you will want to do it regularly!
  8. Probiotics & Naturally Fermented Foods:  Your gut produces many vitamins, digests your food, eliminates waste, absorbs minerals, fats and has serotonin receptor sites.  It is important to keep your waste levels low by eliminating at least 1x for every time you eat a full meal in order to keep the liver less toxic as doing so will keep up your mood and energy.  Did you know that 80% of the waste you eliminate via the bowel is bacteria?  There are only a few good brands of Probiotics, so don’t waste your time buying cheap brands as it will be a complete waste of money.  The brands I use are Genestra HMF series & Cytomatrix Multistrain series.  And it is important that you find a fermented food that you can eat daily to help the probiotics stay in your gut…or set up “house” as it were, since they will become your defence against offending bacteria that may make it through your stomach acid.  Water kefir is easy to make and inexpensive.  Kombucha is also good and easy to make.  Here are 2 links from my blog with recipes for both:  Water Kefir  Kombucha.  You can also try your hand at fermented vegetables or if you can have dairy then try eating yogurt or kefir.  (Coconut milk can also be made into yogurt or kefir as well.)

Ultimately, by doing all of the above lowers the “inflammation” in your body so that your immune system can spend its energy in helping you fight off foreign invaders like viruses etc.

How to Take Diaphoretic Herbs to combat flu viruses or any other viruses.

4 03 2020

March 4th, 2020

Diaphoretic Herbs are herbs that help your insides heat up so that you will sweat on the Diaphoretic Herbsoutside through your pores.  By doing so, they push viruses from the inside of you to the outside of is called “breaking the exterior” in Chinese Medicine.  There are different way to take herbs but the fastest most effective way is to take them in tea form and take them strong.  (I will go through how to make a strong herbal tea at the bottom of this blog post.)  You can also take them in tablet or liquid or capsule form, though again you can make each of these into a tea which will work the best to reduce aches, pains, fever etc.  

Before I go into how to make a tea properly to induce sweating to help you get rid of a virus, I will briefly discuss the main diaphoretic herbs that were traditionally used as well as a couple of formulas I like to use by Nature’s Sunshine.

The diaphoretic herbs traditionally used to induce sweating are as follows;

  1. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  2. Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis)
  3. Spearmint (Mentha viridis, Mentha spicata)
  4. Catnip or Catmint (Nepeta cataria)
  5. Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis)
  6. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
  7. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
  8. Blessed Thistle or Holy Thistle (Carduus benedictus)
  9. Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
  10. Pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa)

The herbs listed from 1 to 7, most people know what they are and may even grow them.  Keep in mind that if you grow them the amount of fresh herbs to make a tea is at least double the dry form.  The most bitter of the diaphoretic listed are Yarrow & Bonset with Pleurisy root as the 3rd least tasty herb listed.  But Boneset can really help with the deep bone pain associated with flu bugs and should be mixed into a combination as follows;

1 part Yarrow, 3 parts Spearmint, 1 part Bonset for example.  The increase in the Spearmint will obviously help with the taste of the tea.  You can also add honey or stevia to sweeten it so you can drink it freely until you sweat.  Try different combinations for yourself, but always have in your combination Yarrow & Boneset when dealing with the flu.

Also, drinking it while soaking in the hot tub, sauna, or steam room or just wrapping yourself in several wool blankets while wearing wool socks and a wool hat can really help bring on the sweats so that you can sweat the virus out.  And the sooner you get to this the less you will suffer from the aches/pains of the flu.

As far as how to make a strong enough tea in order to make it work as above goes, this is how to do it.  Use your hand to measure out the tea and have a large tea pot with a wire mesh strainer to strain it as you pour.  I am not fond of tea balls or the David’s tea wire mesh strainers that sit inside the tea pot for this application (okay for a “nice cup of tea” though.)  because the tea will not be as strong since the boiling water cannot get fully around all the dried leaves. Ie. the surface area exposure is better since the dried herbs are not crammed up against each other.

So use your hand to measure the tea, 1 part is equal to 1 large handful of your hand…which is the right dose for you.  Steep the tea covered with a dishtowel or teapot cover to keep it warm, for 20 to 30 minutes to get it strong enough.  If you find it too strong you can always add some boiling water to it to dilute it a bit.  (and you can add some sweetener as stated above.)

Drink freely while wrapped up or exposed to hot temperatures in a steam room etc, (see above).   Drink it until you are sweating profusely.  Make sure you also drink plenty of purified water as well as fresh juices either fruit or vegetable.

As far as tablets, capsules or liquid extracts go, I just use the dose on the label and double it, put it into a mug and add hot boiling water.  Make sure you mix well and open up capsules so that the powder is in the water only.  This method isn’t as good, but if you are travelling it is often easier to travel with.  I like to use the AL-J tablets or glycerine extract by Nature’s Sunshine in this fashion.  But I also find that the tablets are easier taken as tablets…ie. swallow them rather than tea because they contain Horse Radish!  And if you take at least 2 up to 5 at a time every few hours I can pretty much guarantee you will be sweating!  Obviously you will need to wrap yourself up etc. to help induce sweating!


Spring Allergies! Spring Tonics! (Why Cleansing your Liver will often get rid of allergies.)

10 04 2018

When people think of tonics they often think of drinking an alcoholic images-10beverage with a few herbs for taste, but I am here to tell you different.

When talking about tonics especially “spring tonics”, what Herbalists are referring to is taking herbs that help “tone” the function of the liver.  Spring time is the time when the “liver” will want to get rid of toxins that have built up over the colder months of winter, or your wet season.  Since in the cooler months, no matter where you live, it is more difficult to get rid of toxins in your body because we are not “sweating” enough to get rid of them.  By the way, the way the liver releases toxins is through the bowel.

If the word “toxins” creates skeptism, then I would suggest visiting these websites to see how many pollutants, chemical & heavy metal by nature, are affecting our food and water.  In fact, you can read up on how many toxins are found in the “cord blood” of a new born baby.  It’s quite alarming!

The Environmental Working Group 

Greenpeace Canada

The Natural Resources Defense Council

Basically, the herbal “spring tonics” help the liver to do its functions of creating vitamins, hormones, making bile for fat emulsification, and detoxifying the body of its chemicals & heavy metals that get into the body through air, eating & drinking plus also through the skin.

Some of the gentle tonics in the herbal world are; Dandelion root & leaf, Cleavers, Milk Thistle, Yellowdock, Burdock, Nettle leaf, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover Tops, just to name a few.  The easiest one to start with is Dandelion since it grows well in spring, though due to spraying I would not recommend collecting it within city limits or in ditches.  It’s best to buy it organic through markets etc.  The ideal way to take a spring tonic for the liver is in tea form, though for some, including me, the bitterness of some of the liver spring tonics is too much for tea.  You have to experiment a bit to see what you can handle.  Whatever the case, these tonics I’ve listed are very gentle and are not for deep detoxification, but would be useful for younger people and kids.

When considering allergies, think of a glass that is being filled up with “muddy” water with the “muddy” water representing toxins, it will overflow at some point giving you symptoms to deal with.  In the case of the liver, spring allergies is the overflow symptom that you often will get.

When dealing with severe allergies in spring, which is one of the main ways the liver will show it needs cleaning, people will often need a mixture of herbs that work both on bile production & lymphatic congestion.  The herbs that work on bile production will help the bowels move to eliminate waste build up in the colon which in turn helps take a load off the liver.  The lymphatic herbs help get the garbage from your lymphatic system and your liver into your bowel.  (Your bowels need to be moving 3x per day, after each meal if you are eating 3 meals per day or 1 or 2 if eating 1 or 2 meals per day.  They should be a “twoonie” size around and be as long as your arm…just FYI.)  The liver will keep your blood purified so that you can stay alive, but when your colon is full it will have a lot more work to do to keep the toxins from killing you so it will purify, purify, and purify!  So getting rid of that “solid waste” build up will take a load off the liver which will in turn give you more energy.

This more intensified herbal formula is usually taken in capsules since the teas would be to bitter to consume, though some can endure it.  These formulas must be applied by a professional who can make sure that it isn’t too strong for you to take and can also make sure that you combine a good “cleansing” diet with the herbs to get optimum performance.

Dark leafy greens, but not Kale since it has been shown to be high in a heavy metal called Thallium, the “spring mix” is good or the baby romaine lettuce or the baby spinach is good along with organic fresh lemon juice in water, organic lime juice, etc., light proteins like beans, lentils, some small fishes (check list for fish high in heavy metals), organic chicken, organic apples, organic carrots, organic beets are some of the foods you can eat on a cleanse.

Remember a cleansing diet is not enough as foods alone (unless you can eat things like Mustard Greens) will not have the power in their plant chemistry to promote the deeper detoxification phases of the liver.  You have to have the deeper cleansing herbs for that.

I am going to “refrain” from listing the deeper cleansing herbs only because I don’t want people to rush out and buy them, mix them up themselves without knowing how or what ratios to use etc., you really need to consult with someone who is “in the know”.  Sorry to those who are disappointed about this, but I will say that Christopher Hobbs who has written a book many years ago on Liver Herbs, has very good information for those who want a reliable reference book to help themselves with.

1. Natural Therapy for Your Liver by Christopher Hobbs.

2. Foundations of Health by Christopher Hobbs. (Limited Availability)

In conclusion, when you clean out your liver via herbs, diet, skin brushing, colon cleansing etc., you ultimately lower the toxins in your blood which in turn makes you less susceptible to allergies in the spring.  But if you find you still have allergies after consulting a professional, as well as using ideas from the above publications, then you may need some homeopathic remedies, which I will have to write about in another blog post, since it goes beyond the scope of this article.


This article is written for educational purposes only and whoever reads this is solely responsibility for applying or not applying the suggestions.  This article does not take the place of consulting with professionals in the Holistic Health field as well as those in the Western Medical field.  Trying things on your own should be coupled with advice from the appropriate person.

Follow Up Visits & Our Work & Product Guarantee

6 04 2018

Product & Work Guarantee Guidelinesimages-9

At Hirai Health Services we have a “Product” Guarantee, which means that if you are given a product that you cannot take for some reason then you can return it for a full refund provided you meet these criteria:

For Product Refunds:

              1. You have only taken up to 7 days worth of the remedy prior to discovering that you cannot take it because it bothers you in some regard.  

              2.  You have called the office and talked to me about this first within 2 weeks of your first appointment, before coming back with the item.  (Sometimes it has to do with “how” you are taking the remedy so that if you call first I will talk to you about how to take it properly, if it applies to your remedy/situation.)

             3.  You bring it back to me within 4 weeks of purchasing it from me at the office.

Work Guarantee Criteria:

             1. You have to have had an initial appointment & a follow up at least 6 weeks later in order to “qualify” for a “free” reassessment.

             2. The “free” reassessment would take place no later than 8 week from your “follow-up” visit.

             3. You must have followed, to the best of your ability, the program set out for you in both the “initial” & “follow up” appointment times.  This means both diet & remedy recommendations.

             4. Note: The free reassessment refers to the appointment only, not the remedies.  If you are in need of additional remedies than you would have to pay for these.


In summary, the work guarantee is to “re-assess” why the main symptom or symptom picture has not been improving in the 8 to 12 week period that you have been working on it with my guidance.  Please be aware that some issues require persistence for many weeks or months to get rid of, so in those cases even small improvements are noteworthy and will not qualify  for a “reassessment”.






Steps to Healing (adapted from Dr. Mikael Adams N.D.)

10 01 2015

 Steps to Healing (adapted from Dr. Mikael Adams N.D.)imgres-1

These steps are for chronic conditions of the body, which we will all experience at some point in life, whether the beginning, middle or end.  These steps are not necessarily in the order that you will heal, in fact some of them can be done together.  Ie. Psychological/Spiritual help can be done at the same time as taking drainage or detoxification therapy.

These steps are based on the supposition that the person is on the correct diet for themselves & avoiding exposure, as much as humanly possible, to toxins in their environment. (Correct diet, with good, filtered water, preferably alkaline water so it will absorb properly & the avoidance of chemicals in food, air, water and on your skin.)

Step One:  Open the Excretory Organs & drain:  a)Bowels, b)Lymphatic system, c) Kidneys,    d) Skin, & the liver empties via the bowel.  Ultimately you want to get at the CELLULAR level which requires more than just a great diet.  This is where herbs & homeopathic remedies come in.  Herbs can scour the toxins around & inside your cells, the Unda #’s, which are homeopathic remedies, are used to get rid of cellular toxins, & will help you get rid of toxins affecting cellular function & enzyme systems, that rely on nutrients to run.  When your body’s cells are  “cleaned” this way,  then your supplements & even food  you use will be less in volume or calories, but nutrient rich, since your body will run more efficiently and need less calories to do it. So eating nutrient dense foods with less calories will help your body function correctly while you do the cleansing but it will NOT take the place of cleansing.  Eating a diet such as this will not detoxify you at the cellular level by itself…this is a mistake that a lot of people make.  It isn’t all about diet, in this case. (Ie. When you tune up your car, your gas mileage gets better because it will require less to run on.)

Step Two: Eliminate Environmental Toxins & the predisposition to “collecting” them in your body.  This can be done by treating your “constitution” and your “tendencies” that  you were born with.  This is usually through homeopathic remedies that release the negative tendency and “neutralize” its influence.  These are chronic conditions like; scoliosis, schizophrenia, alcoholism, diabetes, weak lungs, weak joints etc.

Step Three:  Stimulate the enzymes & substitute where necessary.  Using certain herbs to increase digestive power or using the Unda #’s to clean off the enzyme systems can help the person’s body to digest & assimilate their food much more effectively.  (I always say “you are what you assimilate.”)  In this way, all the organs and the systems made up from the organs will function more effectively creating a stable energy flow through out the day with no dips to the energy.  Remember, we are a human chemical factory and if there is a blockage in any of the enzyme systems the liver will try to push wastes through another enzyme system, if it does not work, you will store the toxins often in your bowel, lymphatic system and your between your cells causing you to become lethargic.  This is gradual of course and is often why people do not pick up on their problems quick enough since they believe it has to do with “old age” or working too much etc.  Cancer and other degenerative dis-ease starts here…at the cellular level.

Step Four:  Dysbiosis Therapy which is basically working on your gut and making sure that you are eating fermented foods daily like; water kefir, milk kefir, sauerkraut, fermented veges etc.  (Pickled food is not fermented.)  You may also need some herbs for the gut if you have a parasite or an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut which can lower your B12 levels and cause low energy.  Having a gut with the correct amount of healthy flora will help you produce B vitamins, enzymes etc.

Step Five:  Reduce Stress & Tonify the Qi.  Herbs & diet combined can help to tone the Qi & reduce stress in our body. If you compare this to your car engine, the gas will flow freely to the engine to combust with little waste left over and give your car the energy it needs to run smoothly. This is when you will have the best energy, no blocks to your energetic system.  The herbs & diet you need to maintain this energy or Qi will depend on your body type & individual idiosyncrasies, which is why it is important to get checked out by a professional.  Since just because a certain herb/regime helped someone else does not mean it is the best for you.  It will save you time and money to actually get checked out by a Holistic Professional of your choice since you will not have to guess what you need and waste money trying it out.

Step Six:  Nutritional Support, like Vitamin & Mineral supplements or nutritive herbs can also work well or green smoothies or juicing etc.  Anything to get your nutrient quotient up.  Think organic veges with some fruit in season.

Step Seven:  Constitutional therapy especially for the way you express and feel emotions & your body’s tendencies to certain dis-ease.  Healing your emotions or the way you express them can be challenging for some people.  Ultimately, the way you express yourself or do not express yourself is the way you were built and conditioned.  Certain homeopathic remedies can be helpful for those whose emotions are “stuck” and cause havoc in the body.  Ie. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or any chronic disease has an emotional element to it plus some so called “genetic” dis-eases can be helped by this type of therapy.

Step Eight:  Organ & Enzyme regeneration are sometimes required and organotherapy (a specific form of homeopath aimed at a specific organ to help it function normally) can be useful here.  Even some high strength antioxidants either in foods or herbs are very useful here to restore and protect the liver especially, but also the cardiovascular system, kidneys etc.  This will keep the body from degenerative diseases by protecting the body against the pollutants we have no control over as in the “air you breathe”.  Ie. We all need protection from air pollution.

Step Nine:  Spiritual/Psychological Healing:  Personally, I believe all that we do is spiritual, even if it is just the body, since the body houses the soul and we are one unit.  But sometimes people experience trauma in their life and it will create a vortex that uses up a lot of energy, since the person will be reacting to things that set them off without control.  So these traumas need to be healed and can be released through EMDR methods quite effectively or even talk therapy,  if you get the right professional for yourself.  Also, having a faith in someone bigger than your world can be essential to healing as it will give meaning to the suffering we all endure to one extent or another and hope, to get through it or be healed in the next life, in heaven.

Step Ten:  Removal of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMG) & Geopathic Stress from cell phones, cell phone towers and zones that cause geopathic stress in houses or buildings that people reside in.  Generally, EMG and Geopathic Stress cause Cancer over time but also very low energy and other inflammatory conditions of the body in the mean time.  There is a lot of evidence out there now where you can see the research on the cause and effect of these sources of radiant energy.  These types of energy will affect the body’s electrical system and cause the  bodys’ energy field  to be over-powered by the energy fields from phones & cell phone towers especially, but also geopathic stress will do this also.  One of the protectors I recommend are the Pulsor products which contain various strengths of Piezo Electric Crystals which will emit a field over your own energy field and strengthen it so that you are not affected by the fields that surround you.  (I have experienced this personally around large pieces of automated chemistry equipment while working in the hospital and the Pulsor Crystals saved me.  Very low energy was my symptom…so low that I could hardly function at the end of the day.)


Disclaimer:  Please note this article is strictly for information purposes only.  It is not meant to diagnose or prescribe or give advice.  Each person must take responsibility for their own health and get the advice specific for their own situation from a professional of their choice.


Fiber drinks while Fasting. Will the Fast still work? What do Fiber Drinks do anyway?

10 04 2013

imagesFasting on either juices or water is usually done for 1 or 2 reasons.  One of the first reasons most people fast is to detoxify.  These people typically do not have trouble taking the fiber drinks of Ground Flax Seed, Psyllium seed, Psyllium husk and Bentonite Clay since they know this fiber drink acts as a “broom” and a “sponge” to sweep away the “gunk” in the 26 feet of intestine that we all have.  

While the people who fast for the reason of “resting their digestion” usually have trouble with even the consideration of taking Fiber Drinks while fasting since they believe that this is not going to “rest” their digestion.  

Here is my rebuttal to this notion that Fiber Drinks interfere with the “resting” of the digestive system.


Firstly, in order for the intestines to empty properly the stomach must have some “solid” matter in it to “trigger” the rectum to release.  Thus, while fasting, fiber drinks provide this in the absence of food.

Secondly, the intestines are not smooth inside.  The small intestine has valleys & hills created by the “villi” and “micro villi” which are through out all three sections of the small intestine.  The large intestine has many folds through out it and “round” pockets all joined together.  This intestinal anatomy needs fiber to help it to stay clean and while fasting it will do a great job and scraping matter off the walls, plus in the presence of enzymes taken before bed it will do a great job at sweeping away the loosened matter from the enzyme activity.  

      This along with some bile-stimulating herbs will help to get rid of the “goop” that collects on the walls of the colon.  Very important!  This “goo” will stop your liver from functioning properly as well as stop you from absorbing all your nutrients from your food.

Thirdly, fiber does not stop you from “resting” your digestion because it is not being digested per say it is just “passing” through and giving your intestines a workout and helping you to truly detoxify.  The liver dumps toxins via the intestines and fiber helps to absorb these toxins so that they can be eliminated via the bowels.

Fiber as you can see from my comments above is actually quite beneficial for both juice and water fasts.  It is even more beneficial when the ground flax seed, psyllium seed & husk & bentonite clay are taken in conjunction with, Ie. not at the same time during the day, but with enzymes & herbs.  Dr. Bernard Jensen’s cleanse that has been around 20 years or more is a good example of this.  Check out his book: “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”.  I usually modify some of his ingredients since some of these names are outdated, but the principal remains the same if you substitute with the same type of supplement in his protocol.

Not everyone has “black” goop, but if you are just starting out and have every eaten anything “white” in your diet…then you will have a certain amount of black goop in your guts.

 This information is intended for strictly information purposes.  It does not take the place of regular medical attention as required or a visit to your Natural Health Practitioner of your choice.

Weight Loss & Colonics

12 11 2012

The colon is a very important organ. The better it functions, the better your mind, skin, glands, liver, kidneys, lungs etc function and the better your energy.

Weight Loss & Colonics just to put a stop to any misconceptions.  Colonics aid in weightloss in the following ways;

a) Increasing assimilation of food will automatically decrease your appetite.  Less food is required when your assimilation is increased. b)Increasing energy levels will increase the activity of the person because they now have the energy to exercise! c) Lymphatic (fats absorb into the lymph.) drainage  will increase especially when combined with skin brushing which will decrease the fat content in your body cells over time.  The lymph has a place to drain when your colon is emptier.  Cellulite can be one symptom of a toxic colon.

Focussing on getting healthier rather than just on losing weight is really a better approach to weight loss.  Portion control and exercise are huge, but there are also other factors.

Colon Hydrotherapy/Colonics: How to use them efficiently with a cleanse.

5 11 2012

What your colon should look like!

Colonics should be used with a cleanse when you are cleansing, though colonics can be used under other circumstances besides cleansing via a fast or cleansing foods.

Colonics can also be used; to increase energy during seasonal changes, before and after travelling, to help get rid of a long standing constipation problem, in Fibromyalgia to reduce the pain, in Endometriosis, Fibroids, Prostate problems, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Joint pain etc.

A toxic bowel can cause and contribute to all the problems listed above.  Using colonics is very helpful to reduce the toxic load on the liver and thus give a person extra energy since the liver does not have to expend so much energy detoxifying the blood and preventing a person from auto intoxicating themselves.  A backed up colon is like having a leaky septic tank or a full septic tank where nothing else will go down.  This creates a host of problems including headaches, back pain, sore joints, low energy, acid reflux, bloated bellies, bad breath and more!

Everyone needs to follow a program for at least 1 week before they have their first colonic, then they need to do one per week for a minimum of 3 weeks in order for the person to get any lasting results.  Most people need to do 6 colonics to get their energy up to the point where they really notice that they have better energy.

To find out more about this you can visit the Articles and Links page or email: